I'm Camtoons. I make cartoons. That's not confusing or anything.

Campbell McLaughlin @Battosai810

Age 34, Male


Boston, MA

Joined on 9/8/05

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11,962 / 12,090
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Battosai810's News

Posted by Battosai810 - December 22nd, 2009

It's finally here! The SRM holiday cartoon I've been talking about for a month is finally here! Here's a gift from me to you: The SRM Star Wars Holiday Special! It's actually more about watching the incredibly bad Star Wars Holiday Special that came out in the 70's, but it's got enough of SRM and Mel doing their thing to keep you guys entertained.

This Flash marks a new benchmark for me, in that is my first time making a Flash completely out of frame by frame animation. My old style relied on me making movie clips and puppeteering them around. While this looked okay, it was really stiff, lifeless, and two dimensional. As Oney said of my "Fallout 3 Flash: "The drawing style was so lifeless I almost cried :(" Since then I've really been striving to get some more life and energy into my animation, and I think I've finally got it. It's rough around the edges for sure, but it's a big step in the right direction, I say.

I meant to make a holiday cartoon last year, but instead made More SRM Transformers cartoons, instead of cartoons like SRM's Holiday Extravagornza or SRM's Qwanzaamas 2008!. I hope this makes up for the year without any SRM holiday love! Anyway, I hope everybody enjoys it, and please submit it to the Christmas 2009 collection!

This also marks the halfway point for my college education. I just finished my 4th semester. Taking a third semester during Summer really makes college go by fast! This semester marked me spending hours screaming at 3Ds Max. 3D is NOT for me. Don't expect any expensive looking, overly complicated 3D parts in my cartoons any time soon. Meanwhile, my love of 2D was strengthened more by my storyboarding class. I loved the hell out of it, and I have two classes with the same teacher next semester.

Here's a screenshot from my storyboarding final, "Pizza Waffles", which wil become a full-fledged animation in my 2D animation class next semester. I'm really in love with expressions at the moment:

New SRM Holiday Cartoon is up!

Posted by Battosai810 - December 1st, 2009

Hey everybody!

I've been wanting to get to tons and tons of Flash lately. I've got a really great project I did for storyboarding, involving a baby and a tommygun. I've also got a really cool one I'm working on for the same class which is about an amazing invention I thought up. On top of that, I've got SRM Transformers 5, and I've got a sponsorship from Machinima.com to make some video game related Flash. If this wasn't enough, it's crunch time at the end of my semester, so I've been just SWAMPED with work.

I feel sort of like I owe Newgrounds one, since the last Flash I submitted, Warhammer 40k: Dawn of Awesome 2, was a godawful flop. The first one has a goddamn 4.00 at the moment, which shocks me more than a little, given it's quality. Lightning doesn't strike twice, I guess. Anyway, I figured my next Flash should go straight to Newgrounds while I mull over what to do for Machinima.com.

Here's a frame from my upcoming SRM holiday toon. I won't give away what it's all about yet, but it's a pretty simple little story. Storytelling wise, I'm winding it back. I have a lot of superfluous dialogue in some of my toons, and it can really bother me to be so wordy. That's why SRMTF5 isn't done yet. I figure if a line isn't exploring a character, telling a joke, or advancing the story, it probably shouldn't be there. However, the major departure in the upcoming toon is the art. I've been told my style was lifeless before, and I can understand that given my very 2D, line tool-spawned symbol-based animation. Well, I'm going in the complete opposite direction and using the hell out of my tablet. Backgrounds are drawn with my tablet, and characters are drawn frame by frame. I think SRM Transformers will stay in the older style so it meshes with the older episodes (and because I don't want to fbf draw 5+ minutes of animation on a script I don't like) but this is a new style I hope to keep fluent throughout most of my new work.

Here's a teaser of the new Flash. My graphic designer buddy TheL1st helped me pick and desaturate the colors. My old cartoons were a tad garish at times, and dulling the colors really goes a long way towards making the Flash look better. The animation is a little choppy at the moment, but you really can't tell that from this nice static .jpeg:

Anyway, stick around and tell me what you think! I should have this new toon out around Christmas, if all goes according to plan. Thanks for reading my massive walls of text!

New SRM toon in the works, and other stuff!

Posted by Battosai810 - October 27th, 2009

Well, first things first - I got a tablet! Goodbye mouse drawing! For years my characters have all been built in pretty much the same way. I'd make an outline with the line tool, turn the thickness to 5 or so, bend the lines to get some nice curves, and use the same process to make the shading. The problem was this all looked really static and lifeless. As Oney said of my "Fallout 3 Flash: "The drawing style was so lifeless I almost cried :(" Maybe not the most constructive remark, but it applies well enough. I really needed to do something to liven up my art style, and make my characters MOVE. Just watching stuff by Yotam Perel and Egoraptor really makes me frustrated at the static characters I've been using for years. So, to remedy this, I finally broke down and got a tablet. Goddamn I namedrop a lot in that paragraph.

I'm still just learning to use my tablet, since I've only had it a few days. So far it's great fun though - I've done some fun doodles with it that you can see on my deviantART page. There's an SRM walking loop down there if you want to check it out. It kinda sucks, but hey, I'm learning here.

SRM TRANSFORMERS 5. Yeah, I started working on it. I've had it written for a while, and I animated the first 60 seconds or so of it. I have the story planned out to SRM Transformers 6, where the series would end. The thing is, I'm really dissatisfied with the SRM Transformers 5 script. It's way too wordy. Watching a few robots stand around in the desert talking back and forth for over a minute just isn't interesting. Every moment doesn't have to be a fight scene or anything, it's just way too much dialogue and exposition. For this reason I might either scrap SRMTF5 as it is, or combine it with the plans for SRMTF6 and get the whole thing out of the way all at once. My enthusiasm for SRM Transformers has waned a bit, I don't lie. Thanks for canceling Transformers: Animated, Cartoon Network >:(

As for regular SRM toons: I've wanted to make SRM Goes to College for a really long time. I might make it into my final for my writing for animation class. That means you fine folks could see it by Christmas, as long as I finish it. I also have a holiday short written for Qwanzaamas, Christmas, or whatever other winter-time holiday I want.

I also wrote and storyboarded an awesome animation involving a baby with a tommygun and a doctor's office. You can see some of the character art in that thing from DeviantART I posted a few paragraphs up. That might happen somewhere down the road - It's probably too complicated for me to make at the moment. Maybe as my final for one of the animation classes down the road or something. On that note, school is taking up a hell of a lot of time. The rest of my time is me being lazy and hanging out on Somethingawful. I also wrote a sequel for Milk and OJ but decided against it. It wasn't that great, and I really don't need to make a sequel to it. Tells a good enough story on it's own.

PS: 3D can suck it. I loathe it with a burning passion. If my school didn't require me to work in it, I'd never touch it again. I'm not even extra terrible at it. I just really, really don't enjoy working in it. Too dee fo' lyfe y'all.

Now watch that SRM walk cycle of poor quality until your eyes bleed. Shouldn't take very long.

SRM updates, new tablet, and I'm a lazy ass

Posted by Battosai810 - October 6th, 2009

Welp, I just made Warhammer 40k: Dawn of Awesome 2. Last night around 3am I made most of it on a whim, then finished it this afternoon. This is a sequel to the not-classic Warhammer 40k: Dawn of Awesome that I made a few months ago. It's silly spam that I think is hilarious.

I've been meaning to get working on new SRM stuff for you all, but holy hell has my homework load been heavy. 3D is regularly destroying my week, and is a complete and total pain in the ass for me. I'm learning Photoshop though, which means I could possibly make some pretty cool stuff in it to use in my animations.

I really, really want to make a new SRM cartoon, since I've been sitting on some great scripts and I've even had a good idea or two thrown my way courtesy of some intrepid fans :) I'm also thinking of getting a tablet, since my art style is really feeling stiff these days. I think it would be a good avenue to go down, given how flat my work looks.

I turn 19 on Thursday, but for an early birthday present my wonderful girlfriend made me this SRM throw pillow. She also made me that great stuffed Jebby last year, which I detailed in this old blog post.

Anyway, enjoy Dawn of Awesome 2. I'll hopefully have more updates soon.

Warhammer 40k: Dawn of Awesome 2 and SRM stuff

Posted by Battosai810 - September 11th, 2009

Hey everybody!

I just finished a new SRM Flash, Return of SRMClock - check it out! This is a sequel to the original SRMClock, which I made over 2 years ago. I never had anyone clamoring for a sequel, but it's a script I like that I'd been sitting on for about a year and a half now. Return of SRMClock was supposed to come out for Clock Day, but I got all caught up in moving and never found the time. Here's hoping you guys enjoy it!

I also recently did a voice acting gig for my buddy thel1st and his newest Flash, March of the Giraffeys. I voice an Australian narrator for a faux documentary. It's all about hte Giraffeys from Castle Crashers. Give it a watch, and tell him what you think!

The user gamekid1997 on Youtube made a sort of tribute to my SRM CoD4 Flash. It's not very good, as it's basically my script with a few words changed and a few funny parts left out. However, I've gotta give the kid credit for trying! Who knows, maybe he could develop his skills and get good some day. Just thought I'd post this for you guys to see.

/* */
And here's a bit of art I did while dicking around in my digital imaging class today. It is quality.

New SRM Toon!

Posted by Battosai810 - August 19th, 2009

Well, [Prototype] ended up being a huge success - my biggest yet! Thanks everyone, and thanks NG staff for putting it on the front page!

I posted two more cartoons very soon afterwards, and these were SRM - The Last Soda, and L'amour de Rasputin. Watch away, in case you missed them! The Last Soda was a collaborative project for my animation class this semester, and I made the flash with my friend Kevin. Rasputin was a sequel to this old flash and was made for my Surrealism class. It didn't do so well on Newgrounds, but I wasn't expecting it to.

I have two SRM cartoons in the works, both of which I plan to have out in the next month. First is Return of SRMClock. This is a sequel to the original flash, SRMClock, and was meant to be made for Clock Day this year. Unfortunately, I got caught up in moving and couldn't finish it. I also have SRM Goes to College planned, which should be good. Also, I wanted to have Hitler's Strawberries 2 made for Clock Day, but that didn't happen either.

Finally, some great fans from the UK sent me some really awesome fanart. They sculpted a great SRM figure and made a really cool card for Qwanzaamas! I've got to say, it warms my heart to have fans as great as this. I attached a collage of their work below, so check it out!

Awesome SRM fanart, and more SRM news!

Posted by Battosai810 - August 5th, 2009

Holy crap it's been forever since I've posted anything here! I started working on SRM Transformers 5, then had to wait over a month to get the voices I needed from one of my actors. By that point I got kinda demoralized by the whole thing. It was slated to come out around the time Revenge of the Fallen came out, but I guess it'll have to sync with the release of the DVD now.

Anyway, on to other things. I just completed a parody of the game Prototype from earlier this year. You can watch it here. I made this Flash for a gaming website that happened to end up being a scam. Good thing I didn't put any money into it.

Right now I'm waiting on a friend of mine to send his part of a collaboration we're doing for a Flash class. That should be up here on Friday. It's called SRM - The Last Soda. It features SRM and a new character my friend created, named Nose. It should be pretty good; just got to wait on a few seconds of Flash from him.

Anyway, hope you guys like the new Flashes! It's been far too long.
Edit: Welp, that was a bomb.
2nd Edit: Welp, that wasn't as much of a bomb as I thought.
3rd Edit: Front page? Guess it wasn't a bomb at all.

PS: Here's a screenshot of the new SRM toon, with a very awkward head-on shot of SRM and Nose.
I finished the flash, and you can see it here: SRM: The Last Soda

New flashes and more upcoming SRM stuff!

Posted by Battosai810 - June 18th, 2009

Well, it really has been a long time since I made a flash about SRM, and not some random spinoff or unrelated series. Well, a bunch of fans asked me to make a flash cartoon where SRM gets a haircut, so here it is: SRM Short: Haircut
There's even a Fallout 3 joke in there if you're quick.

I seldom cave to fan request (I listen to all suggestions, but I rarely make flash based on those ideas) but this was part of a wager I made with my friend TheL1st. Basically, if he made this awful flash I would have to do a flash based on fan suggestion. I've had people suggest SRM raping someone (which I honestly don't think is funny in the slightest, or possible seeing how he's pretty much featureless) making a derivative Halo parody (never heard that one before! Hoo-wee!) So yeah, SRM getting a haircut, despite being a blue, hairless cube, came up as the best idea.

Anyway, hope you guys like it. I'm waiting on my buddy superlineman to do his voicework for SRM Transformers 5. All mine's done, and hopefully once I get his in I can have the flash out while Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen is still in theaters to build some nice cross-promotion.

PS: Figure I might as well plug my Youtube channel while I'm at it! I've been submitting my other flashes to Youtube to just get some more publicity. You can find my channel here. I figure I'll post some incomplete and in-progress flashes there at some point in the future. In the meantime, it's just another place to watch my stuff.

New SRM Flash!

Posted by Battosai810 - May 30th, 2009

Well, today I just posted my newest flash, Meet the Cliffjumper, a parody of the Team Fortress 2 "Meet the..." videos, like Meet the Heavy and Meet the Scout. I thought it was a good format for parody, so I decided to take it with Cliffjumper, the suckiest Autobot. Examples of him sucking are in SRM Transformers 4 Part 1 and Part 2.

For all those wondering, this flash is just a little way of tiding you over before SRM Transformers 5 comes out :) Don't worry, I'm working on it!

Cliffjumper also has his own Twitter now! Tweet with the little bastard right here.

As part of this whole blitz of Cliffjumper crap, I made the preview image into a pretty good sized picture, as shown below. You can find a bigger, higher quality version here.

I'm also in the process of submitting some of my flashes to Youtube. I'm battosai810 there too, so if you see my stuff from anyone else, it's not me!

/* */
PS: I've never been to 4chan and don't plan to go there anytime, ever. The views of Cliffjumper are not congruent to my own, and I'm really not a huge fan of using meme based humor. Just thought the "Gentlemen." picture that I've seen around the 'net would be a good fit for the flash.

Cliffjumper related goodness! More SRM Transformers stuff and Youtube!

Posted by Battosai810 - May 15th, 2009

Just released my newest toon, Explosion Force 5 2: Explode Harder. Join Brick Benchpress and Granite Stone in their newest action packed extravaganza.

SRM as Brick Benchpress
Cousin Mel as Granite Stone
Jethro Jebediah as the Commissioner
Jebediah as thug #1
Greg the Llama as Llama the Greg

This is actually a sequel to Explosion Force 5 which I made 2 years and 8 days prior to Explode Harder.

Personally I think of this as a great evolution - the humor is much snappier and quicker than it has been in a while, the art is a huge improvement, and the backgrounds actually have some attention and detail in them for once. I used proper perspective (vanishing points and the like) to get them to look right and used a lot of reference pictures. SRM can actually turn around in 3D now, but it's only in the flash for a second or so, unfortunately. Also, the long zoom shot is making fun of the film Ultraviolet, but instead of going into a character's eye it goes into their ear. Absolutely terrible film; watch it for a good time.

Anyway, hope you guys like it - review it and/or leave comments here. Also, check out the kickass poster my good buddy xander1062 put together for it:

New SRM Toon!