Hey everybody!
I've been wanting to get to tons and tons of Flash lately. I've got a really great project I did for storyboarding, involving a baby and a tommygun. I've also got a really cool one I'm working on for the same class which is about an amazing invention I thought up. On top of that, I've got SRM Transformers 5, and I've got a sponsorship from Machinima.com to make some video game related Flash. If this wasn't enough, it's crunch time at the end of my semester, so I've been just SWAMPED with work.
I feel sort of like I owe Newgrounds one, since the last Flash I submitted, Warhammer 40k: Dawn of Awesome 2, was a godawful flop. The first one has a goddamn 4.00 at the moment, which shocks me more than a little, given it's quality. Lightning doesn't strike twice, I guess. Anyway, I figured my next Flash should go straight to Newgrounds while I mull over what to do for Machinima.com.
Here's a frame from my upcoming SRM holiday toon. I won't give away what it's all about yet, but it's a pretty simple little story. Storytelling wise, I'm winding it back. I have a lot of superfluous dialogue in some of my toons, and it can really bother me to be so wordy. That's why SRMTF5 isn't done yet. I figure if a line isn't exploring a character, telling a joke, or advancing the story, it probably shouldn't be there. However, the major departure in the upcoming toon is the art. I've been told my style was lifeless before, and I can understand that given my very 2D, line tool-spawned symbol-based animation. Well, I'm going in the complete opposite direction and using the hell out of my tablet. Backgrounds are drawn with my tablet, and characters are drawn frame by frame. I think SRM Transformers will stay in the older style so it meshes with the older episodes (and because I don't want to fbf draw 5+ minutes of animation on a script I don't like) but this is a new style I hope to keep fluent throughout most of my new work.
Here's a teaser of the new Flash. My graphic designer buddy TheL1st helped me pick and desaturate the colors. My old cartoons were a tad garish at times, and dulling the colors really goes a long way towards making the Flash look better. The animation is a little choppy at the moment, but you really can't tell that from this nice static .jpeg:
Anyway, stick around and tell me what you think! I should have this new toon out around Christmas, if all goes according to plan. Thanks for reading my massive walls of text!
From what I'm seeing here, it looks like you're trying out some new styles with your animations? I could be wrong but I can't wait to see it :D
Yeah, it's detailed in the big ol' post up there. Should be out by the end of the month!