It's finally here! The SRM holiday cartoon I've been talking about for a month is finally here! Here's a gift from me to you: The SRM Star Wars Holiday Special! It's actually more about watching the incredibly bad Star Wars Holiday Special that came out in the 70's, but it's got enough of SRM and Mel doing their thing to keep you guys entertained.
This Flash marks a new benchmark for me, in that is my first time making a Flash completely out of frame by frame animation. My old style relied on me making movie clips and puppeteering them around. While this looked okay, it was really stiff, lifeless, and two dimensional. As Oney said of my "Fallout 3 Flash: "The drawing style was so lifeless I almost cried :(" Since then I've really been striving to get some more life and energy into my animation, and I think I've finally got it. It's rough around the edges for sure, but it's a big step in the right direction, I say.
I meant to make a holiday cartoon last year, but instead made More SRM Transformers cartoons, instead of cartoons like SRM's Holiday Extravagornza or SRM's Qwanzaamas 2008!. I hope this makes up for the year without any SRM holiday love! Anyway, I hope everybody enjoys it, and please submit it to the Christmas 2009 collection!
This also marks the halfway point for my college education. I just finished my 4th semester. Taking a third semester during Summer really makes college go by fast! This semester marked me spending hours screaming at 3Ds Max. 3D is NOT for me. Don't expect any expensive looking, overly complicated 3D parts in my cartoons any time soon. Meanwhile, my love of 2D was strengthened more by my storyboarding class. I loved the hell out of it, and I have two classes with the same teacher next semester.
Here's a screenshot from my storyboarding final, "Pizza Waffles", which wil become a full-fledged animation in my 2D animation class next semester. I'm really in love with expressions at the moment:
please, not use full frame by frame, only use frame by frame in any moment, is better if you combinate movement of tween in the body with frame by frame in the expresion and in the mounth
Thanks for the tip, I'll keep it in mind.