Hey everybody!
I just finished a new SRM Flash, Return of SRMClock - check it out! This is a sequel to the original SRMClock, which I made over 2 years ago. I never had anyone clamoring for a sequel, but it's a script I like that I'd been sitting on for about a year and a half now. Return of SRMClock was supposed to come out for Clock Day, but I got all caught up in moving and never found the time. Here's hoping you guys enjoy it!
I also recently did a voice acting gig for my buddy thel1st and his newest Flash, March of the Giraffeys. I voice an Australian narrator for a faux documentary. It's all about hte Giraffeys from Castle Crashers. Give it a watch, and tell him what you think!
The user gamekid1997 on Youtube made a sort of tribute to my SRM CoD4 Flash. It's not very good, as it's basically my script with a few words changed and a few funny parts left out. However, I've gotta give the kid credit for trying! Who knows, maybe he could develop his skills and get good some day. Just thought I'd post this for you guys to see.
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And here's a bit of art I did while dicking around in my digital imaging class today. It is quality.
That was excellent as always, man. Can't wait for the college episode.