I'm Camtoons. I make cartoons. That's not confusing or anything.

Campbell McLaughlin @Battosai810

Age 34, Male


Boston, MA

Joined on 9/8/05

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11,962 / 12,090
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Battosai810's News

Posted by Battosai810 - May 3rd, 2009

Well, I just finished my new flash, SRM Transformers 4 part 2

Back around Christmas I submitted SRM Transformers 4 Part 1. The original intent of these two parts were to be one big flash, but the filesize got too big and Flash started to get wicked glitchy. Besides, how many people will watch a 12 minute long flash cartoon? I figured 2 parts of roughly half that length would do a lot better.

This flash has been a long time coming, and frankly took forever. The script's been written since December, and elements of the script date back to this time last year with SRM Transformers 3. Heaps of computer problems led to me to forcibly abandon this flash time and time again, but I managed to get through it and finish the flash tonight. Took about 2 hours just to fix some of the sound issues, a handful of which are still present because I have no clue how to fix them.

Anyway, hope you folks enjoy it. I've got a fifth one written, but I think I'm going to go back to my roots for a little while with the SRM series, sans Transformers.

Also going back for my third semester of College next week, so wish me luck on that.

Posted by Battosai810 - April 15th, 2009

Hey everybody, I came out with a new flash! Only took two months.
I had to make a flash for my HP Lovecraft class, but my good computer is still in another state. As a result I had to use my crappy 10 year old computer with Flash 8 and make it. It's also probably way off in dimensions since my monitor is screwed up with this rig. Anyway, hope you guys like it - took about 2 real days of work - Day in the Life of Cthulhu It's a parody of "The Call of Cthulhu" albeit very loose. I was wicked tired so it makes little to no sense. Usual cohorts TheL1st and xander1062 are of course involved as background artist and sound, respectively.

Tell me what you think, or don't. It's far from my best work and I don't have the best expectations. Just something entertaining I hashed out for my Lovecraft class. At least the semester is over and I can finally relax a bit.
EDIT: Front page a week after it was submitted? Well this is a pleasant surprise! Thanks everybody!

Also, the last in my line of horrible bastardizations of my characters - I give you SPORDBO:

New Flash!

Posted by Battosai810 - April 3rd, 2009

Well, my computer is fixed, but 3 hours away from my dorm here in Boston. That basically means no SRM Transformers 4 Part 2 for a while to come. Then again, I'm bogged down with finals at the moment, so I'd probably be too busy anyway. I've got to do an H.P. Lovecraft related flash as a final for my class on his work, which should form up this week. It kind of has to since it's my final for that class...

In the meantime, I've been helping my roommate learn some flash. His first submission to Newgrounds, Biker Road Rage, came out pretty well. Watch it here!And don't be too hard on him, it's only his second flash! My friend and collaborator, TheL1st helped him with backgrounds too, and he's got a new flash out too! Mass Transit

Darkmpulse1, another friend of mine, is starting up a website, Polarfunny.com They've got some pretty good stuff there, so check it out! I don't normally plug this much stuff in one bulletin post, but I don't have much of my own to show for once!

Hope you enjoy some of that stuff; I'll leave you off with the third in my series after SERM and JORBUHDIAH. I give you:

Current projects + plugging some folks

Posted by Battosai810 - March 20th, 2009

Well, I've just gotten to 100 seconds in SRM Transformers 4: Part 2. I've been sitting on the script and sound files for a long time now, and I wanted to use them before they started to get stale and stink up the metaphorical fridge. The flash is well under way, and will feature an easter egg preview of a new flash coming out later this year. Just thought I'd make a sequel to the sequel.

Because I felt like attaching some other horrid image here, I attached JORBUHDIAH, the sequel to SERM.

So there's news and fun pictures, culminating in a fine excuse for a new newspost. Expect SRM Transformers 4 Part 2 in the next week or two, depending on how rough finals are gonna be.


EDIT: My computer died again, so Jeb knows when SRM Transformers 4 part 2 will come out. If I can save the flash files, I could possibly have it out next month. If I can't recover the files, then I may or may not make it down the road. Right now I'm using my old backup computer instead of my sexy beast of a machine. Sigh.

News on SRM Transformers 4 Part 2!

Posted by Battosai810 - February 26th, 2009

Well, it's been a good long time since I've made any flash. In the animation class I'm taking right now, I had to start up a new flash, but I shot ahead of the class and decided to finish it. Without further ado, here is my new 40something'th flash toon, Milk and Orange Juice: Bestest Friends.

Hope you like it! It's not SRM or Jebby related for once, but there's some cameos in there.

The last flash I made was SRM Transformers 4 Part 1, and that was back before Christmas. Feels nice to make a new flash and put it up here on NG. I'll make an SRM Transformers 4 Part 2 eventually, probably around the time of the new Transformers movie this summer. Those toons are a real pain in the ass, and are even harder to make than my typical fare, which isn't that easy either.

I've been redoing character sprites lately, and I'll have a bunch to show off in my next SRM flash. I've got 2 solid scripts I'm working off of, so expect something in the next few months. In the meantime, have some terrible art! I give you SERM:

Milk and Orange Juice, plus other stuff

Posted by Battosai810 - February 6th, 2009

First off, a video you should all love:

/* */
I promise I'll make more flash soon. I don't really feel like making SRM Transformers 4 Part 2 any time soon. The last one really took it out of me and I still haven't really recovered, due to real life concerns and the like. Also got to do some traditional hand animation today, which I might post some time later.

Last post I talked about a stuffed Jebediah that my girlfriend made for me. Below is the stuffed one and a sprite of Jebby from one of my flashes. Jeb is a misshapen blob all the time, so I think it's a pretty good comparison.

Just letting people know that I'm still alive and haven't given up on flash, just taking a break.

Taking a break, Wacky Delly, and Jebediah

Posted by Battosai810 - January 9th, 2009

Well everybody, it's 2009. That happened fast. Normally around this time I have a Qwanzaamas toon, my own made up holiday that all of a dozen people know about, but I don't have the time to make one this year. Past ones in 2007 and 2008 had kind of lukewarm responses, but I really enjoyed making them. Was even thinking of making an SRM Transformers Qwanzaamas, but I honestly am tired of writing SRM Transformers toons. Part 2 of SRM Transformers 4 will be out in the coming months. It's written, but I haven't gotten around to animating it yet. It'll happen eventually, don't worry.

As for other new flash work, I'm in the midst of writing a new, non SRM series. It's rough, but I've been tossing around ideas for it in comic strips over the last 4 years or so. It could come out well, and is planned to be episodic with a continuing storyline. Comedy, like all my other flash work, but a different context, and maybe even a different art style.

I've been spending this whole holiday break basically being lazy as possible. My first semester of college was pretty exhausting. Was nice to come home and see my old friends and spend new year's with my girlfriend though. She made a stuffed Jebby for me, which was pretty damn sweet of her. I'll have a picture of the stuffed Jebediah up when I get my camera hooked up again, whenever that will be. Just managed to pick up Castle Crashers the other day, played through it once with a friend of mine. Real blast of a game, Tom and Dan have really outdone themselves. Would anyone happen to know where I could get the music for the game? I couldn't catch a Newgrounds username in the credits for the music.

Happy new year's everyone, I'll have some flash content out before too long.

Posted by Battosai810 - December 23rd, 2008

SRM Transformers 4 Part 1 is finally here on Newgrounds! A solid month or so of just working in flash, plus the time it took to write it beforehand. There's a long and nasty history of errors from my computer, some nights spending up to 8 hours just fixing sound issues, but it's here.

Honestly, I almost quit a few times, but it's here on Newgrounds for you all to enjoy. Hope everybody likes it, it took more work than you could possibly imagine, especially during finals in my first semester of college.

A lot of work went into this one, I really hope you guys enjoy it!
Previous episodes:
SRM Transformers
SRM Transformers 2
SRM Transformers 3

Posted by Battosai810 - December 14th, 2008

Well, lately I've been working on a new flash. Yeah, what else is new. Well, when I storyboarded this flash, it came out to be about 10 pages or so, which translates roughly to 10 actual minutes of screen time. But then again, this is probably the last flash I'll do in this series.

Yes, I am making SRM Transformers 4. I said I wouldn't, I said I couldn't, and I said I shouldn't, but I'm making it. Inspiration just hit after watching a good chunk of season 2 of Transformers G1 and the project took off. Finals just ended for the semester, so I've finally got some time to go back home from college and do some serious work.

This possibly final episode isn't as heavy on new characters as the last few, but I think that's a good thing. When you have too many characters things really get out of control and it's hard to tell what's going on. Almost everyone will be returning from previous episodes in the series, excluding a few dead characters or characters who would become redundant under the newer cast members.

I've made a kickass menu for it, built off the simple one I made for Fallout 3: Mel's Addiction. There are definitely better menus around on Newgrounds, but for one of my first forays into actionscript (SRM Call of Duty 4 being the first and Mel's Addiction being the second) it's looking pretty good.

Right now I'm about 3-4 minutes into the actual animation. I'm going home to get lines from my last voice actor in the coming week. This episode has the biggest cast yet, which including myself is 5 whole people. That doesn't sound like a lot, but for an on again/off again flash cartoon that's a good deal.

After this, I'm done doing parodies for a while. Newgrounds is flooded with parodies, and although most are video game parodies, I don't want to keep contributing to the trend forever. At least I don't make sprite fights, those are the worst. After this I'm going to do an SRM continuous series with something relating to a story arc. I'll test this out for about 3 cartoons and see where it takes me. Chances are that it won't get seen by anyone since it's not a parody of something familiar, but I'll at least feel good about making it. One episode is already written, which will keep me going for a bit.

And the SRM Transformers links for those who haven't seen them:
SRM Transformers
SRM Transformers 2
SRM Transformers 3

PS: Chances are, this is going to take a long time, so there probably won't be a Qwanzaamas cartoon for the SRM faithfuls this year. I'll make it up over summer.

Keep on keepin' on, or whatever it is you people say these days.

EDIT: I've decided to break it up into two parts. It's desyncing pretty bad, and only getting worse, so it'll end up being two 5-6 minute long parts. Also, this way people don't need to sit through 12 minutes of madness without a break.

Posted by Battosai810 - November 30th, 2008

Well, after Fallout 3: Mel's Addiction I've really been thinking on what to do next. Whether to do a similar standalone parody style toon, build up on a previous series, or start an SRM continuous series, with a branching story arc and a consistent story.

Well, I've made my decision. Right now I'm working on the end of a previous series I've done. This is gonna be a sequel to a toon or toons of mine from the past, and will be the end of the series for the foreseeable future. I'm 8 pages into the script, which translates to about 8 minutes. This is gonna be a long cartoon, and the flash to end all flashes from me. Right now I'm even trying to get some A-list talent from here on Newgrounds to supply their voice to ensure that this cartoon will be as Awesome as can be.

For now I'm keeping this under wraps however - it's gonna take a freaking long time to make, so it might run into Qwanzaamas this year. (The fake holiday I created celebrated on January 11th - Qwanzaamas 2007 and Qwanzaamas 2008) However, I might need a break at that point and release a special teaser or trailer, as something of my Qwanzaamas gift to you guys.

Once this hugely ambitious project is completed, I'll start working on an SRM continuous series. I figure a 3 episode story arc is pretty solid for starters. Hopefully the upcoming project will give me enough exposure to get some moderate success to a new series.

I'll keep everybody updated in the meantime while I get to work on this ambitious project. It's nearing the end of the writing stage, so some principle animation and soundwork should begin shortly. If all goes well I'll net a voice actor or two outside of my usual crew, and really bring this toon up to the big leagues.

Keep watching my toons and leaving reviews, and I'll keep responding.

And here's a random image I put together in a fit of being a hack and putting shit on deviantArt:
Good god that's terrible.

New stuff in the coming months and what have you.