Well, after Fallout 3: Mel's Addiction I've really been thinking on what to do next. Whether to do a similar standalone parody style toon, build up on a previous series, or start an SRM continuous series, with a branching story arc and a consistent story.
Well, I've made my decision. Right now I'm working on the end of a previous series I've done. This is gonna be a sequel to a toon or toons of mine from the past, and will be the end of the series for the foreseeable future. I'm 8 pages into the script, which translates to about 8 minutes. This is gonna be a long cartoon, and the flash to end all flashes from me. Right now I'm even trying to get some A-list talent from here on Newgrounds to supply their voice to ensure that this cartoon will be as Awesome as can be.
For now I'm keeping this under wraps however - it's gonna take a freaking long time to make, so it might run into Qwanzaamas this year. (The fake holiday I created celebrated on January 11th - Qwanzaamas 2007 and Qwanzaamas 2008) However, I might need a break at that point and release a special teaser or trailer, as something of my Qwanzaamas gift to you guys.
Once this hugely ambitious project is completed, I'll start working on an SRM continuous series. I figure a 3 episode story arc is pretty solid for starters. Hopefully the upcoming project will give me enough exposure to get some moderate success to a new series.
I'll keep everybody updated in the meantime while I get to work on this ambitious project. It's nearing the end of the writing stage, so some principle animation and soundwork should begin shortly. If all goes well I'll net a voice actor or two outside of my usual crew, and really bring this toon up to the big leagues.
Keep watching my toons and leaving reviews, and I'll keep responding.
And here's a random image I put together in a fit of being a hack and putting shit on deviantArt:
Good god that's terrible.
happy pre qwazaanmas!!!