I'm Camtoons. I make cartoons. That's not confusing or anything.

Campbell McLaughlin @Battosai810

Age 34, Male


Boston, MA

Joined on 9/8/05

Exp Points:
11,962 / 12,090
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Vote Power:
7.47 votes
Sgt. Major
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Battosai810's News

Posted by Battosai810 - November 19th, 2008

Well, I took a month long hiatus from Flash after SRM Call of Duty 4 due to a combination of writer's block and addiction to a new game: Fallout 3.

Well, I played enough of the game to get some inspiration, and now I've made a flash about it. I didn't make a direct parody, like SRM Call of Duty 4 or SRM Does Gears of War, and it has more in common with SRM's Red Ring of Death than any of the aforementioned game parodies.

Anyway, without further adieu, I present
Fallout 3: Mel's Addiction

Hope you guys like it! Click the ads and I get money!
Also, it's my first custom menu ever!
EDIT: Woo! Daily 3rd place for it. Nice to get such an award!

Posted by Battosai810 - September 30th, 2008

Hey everybody, I've got a new toon for ya! This time, SRM and Mel take on First Person Shooters, in SRM Call of Duty 4. I love FPS games, and figured it was about time I made some sort of parody.

This brings me to my next topic - the idea of making a flash game. I was thinking something along the lines of Contra, or the NES GI Joe game I so fondly remember, only with SRMs and Mels. The game would be "SRM the FPS the SSS," standing for SRM the "First Person Shooter the Side Scrolling Shooter." The idea is to have it look deliberately old school, with custom made sprites. I made a walk/shoot cycle for SRM that I attached to this message, as proof/inspiration for the idea.

Does the idea of SRM the FPS the SSS appeal to anyone? It's still in the most base of planning stages right now, but if anyone is interested in playing or helping develop it (far off as development is) please let me know through PM or replying to this bulletin.

Hope you guys enjoy the new toon, there's always more to come!

SRM Call of Duty 4!

Posted by Battosai810 - September 6th, 2008

Hey everybody, I just finished moving into Boston the other day. I'm a college student now, but I had a few days off before classes started, so I decided to make a cartoon. This cartoon right here, actually:
SRM short: McBurgerBell

The idea for this toon came up when I was at a rest stop on the road down here. Lots of crappy fast food makes decent inspiration. You'll also notice it's in ludicrously wide screen format, 600x380 instead of the standard flash dimensions. This I attribute to both the nuclear rig I'm using these days and this 22" widescreen monitor. The computer itself doesn't like flash 8 too much, hopefully CS3 or whatever I upgrade to will be more compliant.

Also, A few weeks ago I released my own Metal Gear Solid flash, SRMGS: Snake Eat. It went over pretty well - no awards or anything, but a solid number of views and good ratings. The story behind it is that it was originally part of the Metal Gear collab. Well, it was intended for said collab, but didn't make the cut. Not wanting to waste my work, I polished it up a hell of a lot, and doubled the length of it.

Now, why do I think it wasn't accepted into the collab?
No cock jokes.
You heard it from me.

Anyway, flash output might slow down a bit from me for a while. I've got classes starting Tuesday, and from there on I'll have a ton of work to do. I should still be able to put some flash out, but it won't be as frequent as the last few weeks. Also, I started putting my real name on stuff. Figure it's better for copyright reasons, as I want to take my stuff further, past just the Newgrounds community, as much as I love it.

Hope you enjoy the new toonage, and keep an eye out for more stuff from me soon!

Posted by Battosai810 - July 9th, 2008

Hey everyone, just thought I'd put out an update.
The Alphabet of Manliness Collab didn't quite garner as many artists as I hoped. Everything got signed up for, but only half of the collab segments got sent in. The due date was about a week ago, but not many people were on time. So I made a new deal with it - I'm taking entries for every letter people want to do, and I'm choosing the best for each. This will hopefully do a bit for quality control, as I won't be stuck with a subpar entry, granted others pitch in.

Also, I checked out the Metal Gear Solid Collab. Although my entry didn't get in (may release it on it's own later) I'm still in there as Snake in FaltaViva's segment, which is alone on NG right here.

Now, in other news, I AM working on a new SRM Transformers. The first three were all big hits, and I'm hoping I can let the series out with a bang. I said I would probably do a season two, and this is gonna be it. After that, I'll be in college, and probably won't have time to just make a ton of cartoons for the hell of it. More updates to come.

Thanks for reading and watching my cartoons everybody!

Posted by Battosai810 - June 13th, 2008

Hey everybody, my flood of things to tide you all over till my next big flash continues.
Way the hell back when (well, August 2007) I made "Night of The Living Spud," a zombie toon that was pretty good, but flawed. Anyway, I redid the flash with better sound, backgrounds, etc. and rereleased it here on Newgrounds - That can be found right the hell here

Also taking this moment to plug my collab again. The Alphabet of Manliness Collab is still looking for someone to cover "S for Sneaking a peek," and is slowly coming together. Keep at it people.
PS: could have really just used NOTLS as the "Z for Zombies" segment...
PSS: Graduation in 5 days! Huzzah!

EDIT: Good god it's doing terrible... Worse score than the original. Dunno how that's possible. Wrong crowd I suppose.

Posted by Battosai810 - June 5th, 2008

Hey everybody, I realized I hadn't posted anything here in over 2 months. After working on 3 collabs and a game, I figured I needed to put something new out there.
I worked on a Metal Gear collab, but I'm pretty positive I got turned down for it. My Manliness collab is coming along, but P for Pirates and S for Sneaking a Peek, that can be found here

Now I present you all with what was originally meant to be for a GTA collab. It ended up being too big to send (and megaupload doesn't work) so I decided to release it as it's own flash. That's right here

Posted by Battosai810 - May 15th, 2008

Well, I've been trying to get authors together for this Alphabet of Manliness collaboration, but the thread is pretty slow - I figured "why not hope some authors see it here?"
Here's the list of letters and who has taken them - expect the list to be updated as more people sign on.
A - Ass kicking (MADpuppet)
B - Boners (idiot-monarch)
C - Copping a feel (MADpuppet
D - Taking a Dump (Jamboreen)
E - Enlightenment (MADpuppet)
F - Female Wrestling (tooters)
H - Hot Sauce (MrBallistic)
I - Irate (xander1062)
J - Jerky, beef (battosai810)
K - Knockers (MADpuppet)
L - Lumberjacks (MADpuppet)
M - Metal (xander1062)
N - Norris, Chuck (RighteousFlare)
O - Obedience (r1dd1m)
P - Pirates (Art-Saint)
Q - Quickies (LordOfKetchup)
R - Road Rage (FaltaViva)
S - Sneaking a Peek
T - Taunting (Supapeeves)
U - Urinal Etiquette (Simple-line)
V - Violence (Superlineman01)
W - Winner (Simple-line)
X - XXX (MADpuppet)
Y - Yelling (Superlineman01)
Z - Zombies (battosai810)

Each segment will be 5 seconds long (no less than 5 seconds, but under 6) and will be set to the song "Now You're a Man" by DVDA (was used in the Trey Parker movie Orgazmo - Youtube vid with the song)
I'm aiming to have the content be funny, and of course with topics like XXX porn and violence, this is gonna be more adult oriented, so feel free to let loose with blood and tits.
So here's the specs:

5 seconds maximum (slightly longer but under 6 is alright, shorter isn't an issue)
Standard size
Author's name and their letter/definition (ex: J is for Jerky, Beef)
Send a short bio to MADSOFT if you want that info in the flash.

The only real criteria is for submissions to be of decent quality, reflecting at least marginal effort. The projected due date is for late June or early July, not totally concrete yet, but should give you people time to make some decent submissions for it.
Link to topic on BBS

email submissions in .fla form to me at battosai810@yahoo.com and make sure they're in MOVIE CLIPS TAKING UP A SINGLE FRAME - and feel free to PM me with any questions! Good luck!

Posted by Battosai810 - May 8th, 2008

I don't post here often, so bear with me.
I want to create a new collab based on Maddox's Alphabet of Manliness, one of the most ball-stompingly good books ever written.
Of course, there's 26 letters in it, and I'm hoping to make a collab with different authors doing each one.
A - Ass kicking
B - Boners
C - Copping a feel
D - Taking a Dump (Jamboreen)
E - Enlightenment
F - Female Wrestling (tooters)
H - Hot Sauce (MrBallistic)
I - Irate
J - Jerky, beef (battosai810)
K - Knockers
L - Lumberjacks
M - Metal (xander1062)
N - Norris, Chuck (RighteousFlare)
O - Obedience
P - Pirates (CiDiC)
Q - Quickies (LordOfKetchup)
R - Road Rage (FaltaViva)
S - Sneaking a Peek
T - Taunting
U - Urinal Etiquette
V - Violence (Superlineman01)
W - Winner
Y - Yelling (Superlineman01)
Z - Zombies (battosai810)

Each segment will be 5 seconds long (no less than 5 seconds, but under 6) and will be set to the song "Now You're a Man" by DVDA (was used in the Trey Parker movie Orgazmo - Youtube vid with the song)
I'm aiming to have the content be funny, and of course with topics like XXX porn and violence, this is gonna be more adult oriented, so feel free to let loose with blood and tits.
So here's the specs:

5 seconds (slightly longer but under 6 is alright)
Standard size
Author's name and their letter/definition (ex: J is for Jerky, Beef)
Send a short bio to MADSOFT if you want that info in the flash.

If you're interested, reply in this thread with what letter(s) you would like to do. The only real criteria is for submissions to be of decent quality, reflecting at least marginal effort. Not looking for Swain quality stuff here (awesome as that would be) but I don't want to see any lousy stick movie done by someone in Windows movie maker. The projected due date is for late June or early July, not totally concrete yet, but should give you people time to make some decent submissions for it.
Link to topic on BBS

email submissions in .fla form to me at battosai810@yahoo.com and make sure they're in MOVIE CLIPS TAKING UP A SINGLE FRAME - and feel free to PM me with any questions! Good luck!

Posted by Battosai810 - May 1st, 2008

I haven't been working on much flash stuff lately, been real busy with my band and my music. I finished my segment for that Metal Gear collab, but I haven't gotten a word back from the collabs guys on whether it's good enough or not. If it's not good enough for them, I may expand it into an SRMGS full length flash; no reason letting that work go to waste.

In the meantime, I have written and planned out a new SRM flash, going back to the days before SRM Transformers. Just good old fashioned SRM and Cousin Mel, doing their thing. Expect that to be out before too long. I plan to do original music for it too.

I have an idea stewing in my head for a collab coming up - I'd base it around Maddox's Alphabet of Manliness. 26 letters, 26 authors. Tell me what you folks think.

Finally, my buddy Superlineman and I are working on a monumentally awful submission for Clock Day this year. Expect that to be pretty memorable, without a doubt.

Anyway, thanks to my dozens... no, severals of dozens of fans for watching, I'll be back making flash before you guys know it!

Posted by Battosai810 - April 9th, 2008

A little update on the status of the MGS collab. I finally got some ideas rolling, and I present you all with a screenshot from my segment in it. This is considering it gets in, which it may not. Limited space and all.
Also, didn't even get into the top 20 flashes of march with SRM Transformers 1 or 2. Oh well.
If the third one got some exposure it would have a chance, but I don't think enough people saw it to consider it for a monthly award.
Anyway, hope you all like this little snippet of the next cartoon.