I'm Camtoons. I make cartoons. That's not confusing or anything.

Campbell McLaughlin @Battosai810

Age 34, Male


Boston, MA

Joined on 9/8/05

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11,962 / 12,090
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Battosai810's News

Posted by Battosai810 - April 2nd, 2008

JohnnyUtah recently announced a Metal Gear Solid collab - thing is, I rebought MGS3 literally 2 days before the announcement. If that's not a sign, I don't know what is.
Anyway, on to the meat of this post - I'm going to put a submission into the collab. SRM Gear solid already has a rough character design and a few ideas ready, so expect that to come along soon. I think I'm good enough at flash to get a position in that collab; I'm still hitting myself over missing the Transformers collab a ways back!
Wish me luck on getting in!
PS - Review crew pick for SRM Transformers 3? Sweetness.

Posted by Battosai810 - March 26th, 2008

At long last, the conclusion to my SRM Transformers trilogy is here!
Right here!
I'd like to thank everybody who gave good ratings and reviews to the first two toons; couldn't have done it without your help!
I took in a few fan suggestions, going as far as to have one user help write the dialogue for a character in this cartoon! I really went all out to please everybody who liked the first two, with a cartoon 3 times as long, and, cooincidentally, 3 times as awesome.

Probably going to take a break from flash for a while now. This cartoon was a buttload of work that kept me from even playing my guitar for nigh on 2 weeks. Expect me to return with some new stuff before summer!

Posted by Battosai810 - March 21st, 2008

Been working on SRM Transformers 3 over the week, it's coming along fairly quickly. I just broke the 90 second mark in the toon, and almost all the voicework is complete, save for a tiny bit of vocoding. Everything desirable in a sequel is there - new characters, new jokes, more transformations (sweet Jebus!) and tons of music and sound effects straight from the original cartoon.

As I said in my last post, this is gonna be a big toon - straight up EPIC. It's shaping up to be a long toon, way longer than any other SRM Transformers toon especially. I think this is gonna be my magnum opus, seriously. Who knows, if I'm lucky it could break the 4.0 mark; only time will tell!

I'll be sure to keep you all updated and hopefully get some more work in this weekend!

Posted by Battosai810 - March 13th, 2008

Today I finished the storyboards and writing for SRM Transformers 3. It's about 5 and a half to 6 pages long, and, considering one page lasts about a minute onscreen, you can tell this is gonna be a pretty hefty animation. The other two SRM Transformers toons were only 2 pages long, and noone complained about their length, so here's hoping this one will be more than enough to satisfy everyone. I've even enlisted the help of a fan here on Newgrounds to help write a bit of dialogue for one character!

This is going to be my biggest animation yet, Transformers or not. I'm really gonna try to push the envelope as much as I can and hope it doesn't backfire. Considering how close the last one came to killing my computer, Here's hoping this doesn't put an end to this optimized-for-Windows-2000 beast. (/sarcasm)

Now, this may be the last Transformers related animation for a while. It's been a fun ride, but I like expanding my horizons just a little bit here and there. I've got other things to parody, and possibly more of my random cartoons about nothing I enjoy so much. Thanks to everyone who liked the first 2; I think this one's going to be a fitting cap to this little trilogy. And who knows, I might do more in the future. For now, however, three is the magic number. Thanks for watching, and keep on the lookout for part 3 everybody.

Posted by Battosai810 - March 7th, 2008

Nope, I actually started writing on SRM Transformers 3. I'm closing in on 2 and a half pages of cartoon - expect this one to have plenty of new faces, and to be at least twice as long as the other two! I've been shopping around for ideas and help from others - expect this one to be the best yet!
more as work continues.

Posted by Battosai810 - February 29th, 2008

At long last, my sequel to the front-page winning SRM Transformers is complete!

I give you all SRM Transformers 2!

There were some suggestions from the first toon that got put into this - namely:
Soundwave is BLUE, not purple (although he is purple in the comics)
subtitles are in there now
and Transformers that actually TRANSFORM!


EDIT: front page? hot damn! 2 in a row!

Posted by Battosai810 - February 20th, 2008

I'll get the good news out for you wonderful folks out first - I'm two pages in to an SRM Transformers with storyboards! These parts are all drawn out, and this is one of many ways that I'm procrastinating actually finishing the damn thing.
On the negative side, my arms are killing me. Great gig on the 17th with my band, Blu Mantra (Myspace) but we had to haul all our gear upstairs, and it left me pretty spent over the long weekend.
Also, dentist today. Ouch. Knocked me out for a few more hours.
Anyway, this animation is coming together, expect to see something from me in mid-March, hopefully!

Posted by Battosai810 - February 12th, 2008

i've started on the preliminary stages of an SRM Transformers sequel. Three new characters are designed, 2 of which are already in flash. I'm working on transformations and the like, and getting some jokes together. not sure when it will be done, but expect at least one more update before it is!

EDIT: took me 3 and a half hours, but i've got a transforming character! as a special bonus to you all, it's a new character!


Posted by Battosai810 - February 1st, 2008

My secret project is revealed!
This took two solid weeks, from concept sketch to final animation, and I gotta say I'm damn proud. 30th animation to Newgrounds (not counting the half dozen blammed toons from when I first started) and I thought I'd celebrate with something near and dear to my heart:
Watching both the original cartoon (from the 80s) and the new cartoon (best since the one from the 80s) really inspired me to do a new parody, and I went for a Transformers one. Uses audio from the original show and everything.
Anyway, I hope you all like it, there's gotta be at least a few fellow geeks such as myself who dig this stuff.
Watch it here!

EDIT: FRONTPAGE!? Holy crap, thank you everyone who voted high and sent this to their friends!!! First time getting such an honor! Thank you everybody!!!

SRM Transformers

Posted by Battosai810 - January 29th, 2008

and you'll have to keep waiting.
just finished a brand new toon, one i've been hinting at for a while now.
will be released this friday, goin for primetime with this one.
another bulletin will be out then...