I'm Camtoons. I make cartoons. That's not confusing or anything.

Campbell McLaughlin @Battosai810

Age 34, Male


Boston, MA

Joined on 9/8/05

Exp Points:
11,962 / 12,090
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7.47 votes
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Fallout 3: Mel's Addiction

Posted by Battosai810 - November 19th, 2008

Well, I took a month long hiatus from Flash after SRM Call of Duty 4 due to a combination of writer's block and addiction to a new game: Fallout 3.

Well, I played enough of the game to get some inspiration, and now I've made a flash about it. I didn't make a direct parody, like SRM Call of Duty 4 or SRM Does Gears of War, and it has more in common with SRM's Red Ring of Death than any of the aforementioned game parodies.

Anyway, without further adieu, I present
Fallout 3: Mel's Addiction

Hope you guys like it! Click the ads and I get money!
Also, it's my first custom menu ever!
EDIT: Woo! Daily 3rd place for it. Nice to get such an award!


Lol , nice flash .Can't wait to get fallout 3 , look s like an awesome game ... except for the part of drinking from the toilet :I

Well, the toilet drinking is optional :D
Glad you liked it!

zipple tipple

Spammle smipple

in response to your review respones:
i Loaded my autosave. i was back 3 hours, but my personal tank lived again!

catch ya later, yo.

Happy to hear! Losing Fawkes would be pretty tough to deal with, I know I'd reload.
I kept reloading when Dogmeat kept dying, but that involved reloading every 2 minutes. Dogmeat is not very good.

Fawkes is the living tank though :D

Believe or not, mel means honey in Portuguese

Learn something new every day.

Watching that movie made me want to look at funny pictures of cats made funnier with funny captions under the funny pictures of cats.

I always like looking at funny pictures of cats made funnier by captions under the pictures of cats

I may be soon (well once it's done lol) releasing a Call of Duty Spoof that I have to say was inspired by yours. Can I mention you in it?

Please, feel free!
Mention me in the credits or in the description or something.
Glad you liked my take on CoD.

Dude I watched your McTaco Bell one. It's awsome. I just learned about SRM and MEL and stuff from the Fallout one when it was under judgement. One question. Have you ever won an award?

Yeah, I've won 6 here on Newgrounds! If you look on the left of my page, under the whistle rating icon, there's
BBS posts
Flash reviews
Music reviews
The trophies are all the awards I've gotten here on Newgrounds.

I clicked some adds. :P


Keep up the great work
I am a huge fan of your flash.

Thanks, glad you like em.
I'm working on a new toon right now; should be a nice way to cap off a certain fan-favorite series.

More on that in the future!

Your A Faggot Go Cry To Your Mom Bitch!!!!!!!!

God, I freaking love these.
I just keep this stuff for comedic value.
Just for shits and giggles, I think I'll spellcheck you:
"You're a faggot! Go cry to your mom, bitch!"

Fucking hilarious. You have temper tantrums like a 6 year old; it's almost sad.
Or it would be, if it wasn't so damn funny.

I look forward to more hatemail from you in the future!

Well I've watched about every single one of your flashes by now. SRM has got to be my new faviorete series good job! I don't know what it is ut SRM just gets to me in a good way! Keep up the episodes!!!

Thanks! I've got 2 cartoons lined up - one is a sequel to something everyone loves, the other is the start of a continuous SRM series.
Keep watching; there's a hell of a lot more to come.

it's like the space leaves are on fire!!!
and now that my spam is done..

i got a hd for my xbox! shazam

Sweet deal.

Your Insults Don't Work On Me Ass Hole Fuck You Fuck Your Little Awards Go Shove THem Up Your Ass Faggot Bitch!!!!!!!!!!

Hah, I love it. He switches to his previously banned account just to send me hatemail.

Fucking hilarious.

Go flip burgers; it's all you'll ever be good at.