Well, I took a month long hiatus from Flash after SRM Call of Duty 4 due to a combination of writer's block and addiction to a new game: Fallout 3.
Well, I played enough of the game to get some inspiration, and now I've made a flash about it. I didn't make a direct parody, like SRM Call of Duty 4 or SRM Does Gears of War, and it has more in common with SRM's Red Ring of Death than any of the aforementioned game parodies.
Anyway, without further adieu, I present
Fallout 3: Mel's Addiction
Hope you guys like it! Click the ads and I get money!
Also, it's my first custom menu ever!
EDIT: Woo! Daily 3rd place for it. Nice to get such an award!
Lol , nice flash .Can't wait to get fallout 3 , look s like an awesome game ... except for the part of drinking from the toilet :I
Well, the toilet drinking is optional :D
Glad you liked it!