I'm Camtoons. I make cartoons. That's not confusing or anything.

Campbell McLaughlin @Battosai810

Age 34, Male


Boston, MA

Joined on 9/8/05

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11,962 / 12,090
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Battosai810's News

Posted by Battosai810 - November 12th, 2010

EDIT: I'm an idiot and don't know how to embed video. Problem solved.

So my big new SRM cartoon is coming along real strong, and is in the home stretch towards completion. I've been posting my progress every week on Youtube so you can see it develop from rough animatic to complete animation. You can watch it here if you want:

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That's all you're getting for Christmas this year. SRM toon should be done by then too. Kinda has to be, since it's for a class.

SRM Cartoon coming along strong!

Posted by Battosai810 - October 16th, 2010

So I've been working on that SRM toon more and more. I'm taking it slow, but here it is for week 5, while the last time I posted it was only week 1:

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The whole thing is coming together nicely, and I'm going to wrap up Mel's animation this weekend.

Also, I was just dicking around with the free version of Minecraft. Probably gonna get this game to make sure I have no free time until New Vegas comes out in 3 days. Here's a giant Jebediah.

New SRM cartoon, still underway!

Posted by Battosai810 - September 19th, 2010

Hey everybody, been a while since I posted a cartoon for nobody to watch. Here's an animatic for the next cartoon nobody will watch, which is an as yet untitled SRM cartoon. Also, for some reason Youtube stretches my videos out. Whatevs.

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For those not in the know, an animatic is basically a skeletal framework for a cartoon or movie. It's the step beyond storyboarding, and used more for timing, as the shots are already chosen in the storyboard process.

I'm going to be animating this over the course of the next three months, and it's going to be my most complete and well rounded piece of work - pretty much by definition. I'll keep doing newsposts as things happen. Expect it about 2 weeks before Christmas.

I was going to post a .gif of a flying SRM wallpaper akin to the flying toaster wallpaper from back in the day, but the .gif was too big. Here's a static jpeg of it for your enjoyment:

New SRM Cartoon, Coming Your Way!

Posted by Battosai810 - August 16th, 2010

Hey everybody! I made another new cartoon! This one is called Print Lab Panic! and will be the first episode of Daveventures. They're the exploits of my buddy Dave who should really get off his ass and make more Marshmallow Squads. This one is about his adventure through the print lab where he happens to meet somebody who's been in there a long time...

I've got about a dozen other Daveventures written out and almost all of them end with him dying. They're also almost all based on in-jokes between him and I. As a result some of these might not make much sense or do very well on Newgrounds, but I figured that I made them so I might as well post them somewhere better than Youtube. Speaking of which, you can check out my Youtube channel here and see basically the exact stuff I post here, plus maybe a work in progress here and there.

I've got an SRM cartoon written up and ready to go - it's another fairly short one (should clock in around 1 minute) but it's basically just something I know I can make over my brief 2 week break. It's going to be much funnier than the SRM Star Wars Holiday Special! which was basically just an exercise in frame by frame animation before I really knew what I was doing. Anyway, the new cartoon is going to be about SRM and a certain popular music game. Not a straight up parody since I'm really sick of those, but it should be funny.

Anyway, my semester's just about over so I won't have to venture into the Orwellian nightmare that is 3Ds Max for a little while. I'm also going to be posting some of my background art on DeviantArt and here on Newgrounds so you can see the Photoshop painted backgrounds I've been using in my latest cartoons. Hope you guys like the new cartoon, and check out the screencap below:

New cartoon!

Posted by Battosai810 - August 7th, 2010

So I woke up today at 11, blacked out at noon, and when I came to at 4pm there was a new Dawn of Awesome cartoon done in Flash. Welp. Here's a link for those interested:
Warhammer 40k: Dawn of Awesome 3

And here you can see the first in the series, which has something like 8 billion views on Youtube for whatever reason:
Dawn of Awesome 1
And the second, which absolutely nobody liked:
Dawn of Awesome 2

I'm going to go cry now because this intentionally terrible cartoon will get more views and a higher score than anything I've actually made with effort put into it (see Two Nerds and a Robot and Pizza Waffles

I don't think I'm going to make another Dawn of Awesome. I've had an idea for a terrible spammy Flash lying around for a while, so next time schoolwork pushes me to my breaking point I'll make that instead.

You may also notice that this is my first cartoon in a while without ads in it. The new Flash API setup is a little wonky, and Adobe Extension Manager doesn't realize I'm using a version of Flash higher than 8. Once I figure that out you'll be seeing more annoying ads for Maplestory or Evony or whatever else is getting pumped out there. Anyway, ignore some awful ad for the Poostick (LOLWACKY LOLRANDOM LOLANIME) and check out the screengrab from Dawn of Awesome 3 at the bottom of the news post.

Wait why did I make this

Posted by Battosai810 - July 28th, 2010

Hey everybody! Haven't posted anything here since Pizza Waffles back in April! Speaking of which, I'm in the middle of redoing all the backgrounds for that in Photoshop. I'm really, really tired of painting these really colorful wafflescapes, because one can only draw so much brown and pink before getting bored. I'm not sure if I'm going to resubmit it as a new cartoon or just update the old one - either way I don't see it getting much more attention. I've tried an update like this before with Night of the Living Spud: Redux but that was two years ago. I'll see what I'll do.

So anyway, without further ado, here's my new cartoon! Two Nerds and a Robot. It was an exercise for my advanced 2D animation class where we had to have two characters have a plan and then have it go wrong somehow. While it doesn't have the same heart or love I put into Pizza Waffles, the animation's better and the backgrounds are all nice and Photoshoppy. I doubt many people will see it, but I figured I may as well put it up here.

As for future plans, I've got one more cartoon I need to make this semester, and that's going to be totally awesome. It's all about my buddy Dave and his adventure through the horrors of my school's print shop. Simple as it sounds, it's going to be sick. Once that's done, I promised myself I'd start up at least one cartoon over my brief break. I've written up a short SRM cartoon that would be pretty doable, and I think would fly pretty well over here.

Finally, because the .gif I made for my upcoming cartoon is too big and I'm too lazy today, here's the slightly larger version of the icon for Two Nerds and a Robot. Hope you like it!

Oh hell who am I kidding, you're all playing Starcraft II aren't you.

Finally! A new cartoon!

Posted by Battosai810 - June 27th, 2010

Hey everyone, I just thought I'd chime in since I really don't hang around Newgrounds that much these days.

Right now I'm working on a new cartoon, and I don't think I know the title for it just yet. It's about some nerds, and it's for my advanced 2D animation class. I'm doing all the animating in Flash and all the backgrounds in Photoshop, so I think it should end up looking pretty cool. It still bothers the hell out of me that Pizza Waffles faded into obscurity here without anybody seeing it, but here's hoping this one will fare better.

Speaking of Pizza Waffles, I've also been redoing it's backgrounds in Photoshop. I'm still fairly new to Photoshop painting, but I think it's an improvement to the Flash backgrounds. There's one of the new ones at the bottom of this post if you're curious. Whether or not I resubmit Pizza Waffles with new backgrounds is up in the air right now. I hate that it bombed the first time and would like more exposure for it.

I want to do a new SRM toon soon too, but I've just been ludicrously busy. Between Steam sales (Necrovision! Mass Effect! Bionic Commando: Rearmed!) and real life duties, I don't have a lot of time to animate for fun. Anyway, keep your eyes out for a new cartoon in the next few weeks.

Some kinda cartoon thing coming up

Posted by Battosai810 - April 10th, 2010

Hey everybody! Long time no see!

It's been about 5 months since I've had any real presence on Newgrounds - the last thing I made was The SRM Star Wars Holiday Special back in November. I also voiced in my buddy's spammy masterpiece Marshmallow Squad 5 as Satan. Anyway, it's about time I came back with an actual, factual cartoon to show you folks. I give you:

Pizza Waffles!

This cartoon has been a long time coming. I mentioned it in a news post back in October or something, since I was working on it for my storyboarding class as a final. My teacher absolutely loved it and said I should give it a go for my 2D animation class - so I did! This is my final for 2D animation, and it's my best cartoon to date. I flirted with frame by frame animation with the aforementioned The SRM Star Wars Holiday Special, but it was mostly bullshit - I didn't know a whole hell of a lot about frame by frame, and I was using a really lousy tablet to make it. Anyway, I took a comprehensive class on 2D and got a new tablet, so here we are! Over the course of making Pizza Waffles I ended up using 2 different computers, 3 different tablets, and 3 different operating systems, as Vista crapped out on me and for a while I couldn't get Flash to work with Windows 7. However, I'm absolutely ecstatic with how well it came out, and I hope you folks enjoy it too.

As for future cartoons, I dunno exactly what's going on. I'm brewing around ideas for a new SRM cartoon using some other characters I designed for a character design class. Meanwhile I've got a kind of parody superhero idea going on too. I'll see how it plays out. I'm going into my 6th semester of animation, so my free time is pretty nil. If I can work the cartoons I want to make into schoolwork, I'm killing two birds with one stone and I'm more likely to do it. The only thing I can say with any certainty is that I'm NOT going back to my old art/animation style, as it was pretty lifeless. As a result of this, don't expect to see an SRM Transformers 5 any time soon, for the 4 of you who still care. I made about half of it and didn't finish, since the script was way too wordy, the animation was too stiff, and I was just tired of the series.

Anyway, the following screenshot shows how I feel about completing Pizza Waffles:

Pizza Waffles, my Best Cartoon Ever, is Finished! Frame by Frame ahoy!

Posted by Battosai810 - March 28th, 2010

So I just wrapped up at PAX East earlier today. I was working the booth for The Compleat Strategist (the typo is intentional) for much of the convention, and running demos for some of it. I did get to check out the actual expo hall a little, and played Just Cause 2 in 3d which was kinda cool. I tried out Battle Block Theater, the new game from The Behemoth, and it was pretty fun - I'll definitely need to play more of it. Of course I'm basically doing the same thing next weekend for Anime Boston, so it's going to be another big weekend!

I spent a lot of my downtime doing sketches for character designs, including an attempt at giving SRM more volume. I enjoyed doing him frame-by-frame in SRM Star Wars Holiday Special but he never really moved like I'd want him to. It was still very limited and not well planned out. I'm trying to put together a new SRM script so I can get him doing stuff again. I'd use an old one, but I've got all this new knowledge of writing, storyboarding, and animating I want to try out. My old stuff's too wordy anywho.

Anyway, expect to see Pizza Waffles in the next few weeks. It's going to be incredible if it ends up looking anywhere near as good as the storyboards were. And, to any of you who went to PAX East, hope you had as much fun as I did!

Posted by Battosai810 - February 22nd, 2010

So, I haven't had a cartoon up on this site in about 2 months to this day. I promised for a lot of cartoons to be coming out, but I have no idea when or if I'll get to them. Needless to say, real life takes priority over making silly cartoons and putting them up on the Internet. I'm still checking in every so often to respond to reviews and see what's up on Newgrounds though. Most of my relaxation time is spent painting Warhammer 40k models, and my school time is spent animating. It's hard to motivate yourself to do schoolwork as a hobby.

Lately my problem has been that Flash CS4 doesn't work on my computer. I have no idea why Windows 7 doesn't like it, but it doesn't. It runs slow as balls and is pretty much unusable. The rest of the Adobe suite works fine though, as does 3Ds Max and most games. If I can get Flash working again, I'll get back to work on cartoons for fun. For now, I have to borrow my buddy's computer or trek to my school to use Flash. My tablet's kind of busted too, but I'll deal with that.

Anyway, just letting my miniscule audience know that I'm still alive, and that I plan to make cartoons again. Here's some great art I found in a thread on a forum I waste too much time on:

PS: I regret nothing about voice acting for Marshmallow Squad 5. It's a work of art that you unsophisticated types can't appreciate. Ha, who am I kidding. Go zerobomb it or whatever you folks do.

I assure you I will return.