So, I haven't had a cartoon up on this site in about 2 months to this day. I promised for a lot of cartoons to be coming out, but I have no idea when or if I'll get to them. Needless to say, real life takes priority over making silly cartoons and putting them up on the Internet. I'm still checking in every so often to respond to reviews and see what's up on Newgrounds though. Most of my relaxation time is spent painting Warhammer 40k models, and my school time is spent animating. It's hard to motivate yourself to do schoolwork as a hobby.
Lately my problem has been that Flash CS4 doesn't work on my computer. I have no idea why Windows 7 doesn't like it, but it doesn't. It runs slow as balls and is pretty much unusable. The rest of the Adobe suite works fine though, as does 3Ds Max and most games. If I can get Flash working again, I'll get back to work on cartoons for fun. For now, I have to borrow my buddy's computer or trek to my school to use Flash. My tablet's kind of busted too, but I'll deal with that.
Anyway, just letting my miniscule audience know that I'm still alive, and that I plan to make cartoons again. Here's some great art I found in a thread on a forum I waste too much time on:
PS: I regret nothing about voice acting for Marshmallow Squad 5. It's a work of art that you unsophisticated types can't appreciate. Ha, who am I kidding. Go zerobomb it or whatever you folks do.
woah . trippy art .