I'm Camtoons. I make cartoons. That's not confusing or anything.

Campbell McLaughlin @Battosai810

Age 34, Male


Boston, MA

Joined on 9/8/05

Exp Points:
11,962 / 12,090
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Vote Power:
7.47 votes
Sgt. Major
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woah . trippy art .

I think MS went out of their way to make sure Flash had issues with Windows 7... I've been getting endless complaints from people where the Flash plugin doesn't even work for them because it's not 64 bit. I imagine they COULD have accommodated if they weren't so desperate for people to use Silverlight.

I'm using 32-bit and it doesn't work for me - a buddy of mine has Windows 7 on his rig and it runs Flash fine, but doesn't run 3Ds Max, which I don't have a problem with. I've gotta go give Adobe tech support a few hours of my time and get this stuff fixed.

I've never even heard of Silverlight til now - Microsoft should let Adobe do their thing. They're better at it.

Jesus you drew that? That's one major step closer to your art skills! I was wondering where you went this whole time. Anyways, I suggest you work on what you want, I've already abandoned a few projects of mine to work on more trippy flash movies.

Ah, I didn't draw that - it just turned up on a thread and I saved it for being hilarious. I think that the next thing that'll be up on NG will be something I made for one of my classes. My 2D frame by frame animation skills have gotten a lot better, since before it was basically just me BSing everything. More to come!

Simple solution to your problem. get a mac. you could run P.C on it thru it if hate them, and you could have flash one platform and 3D's max on the other!

Yeah, I had people ask me to do that before. Why would I bother using a Mac if everything I want to do is on the PC though? I haven't had Flash problems until just now.

"most of my relaxation time is spent painting Warhammer 40k models" :D

we await your return

Right now I'm in the middle of a platoon of Catachans. Imperial Guard are awesome.

BTW, did you actually purchase Flash CS4 for $600? It seems like Adobe are ripping everyone off...

Are there cheaper options?

With the student discount I got I was able to get almost the entire CS4 suite for $600. Aside from Flash it all works right now. Naturally it's Flash that doesn't work and not Soundbooth or something.

Guard ARE awesome, I started a steel legion army a while back and I'm still wokring on it

hope those catachans come out well

You can check out my Guard in this thread on Dakka:
http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkafo rum/posts/list/280442.page


the link didn't work for me D:

Newgrounds puts spaces in URLs - just delete the space inbetween "dakkafo" and "rum" and it will work fine. Forgot that!